S6 Office Bearers
We are delighted to announce that the following candidates have been chosen as this year’s S6 Office Bearers for Wallace Hall Academy: Head Boy – Ted Bowie, Head Girl – Lois Geddes, Depute Head Boy – Luke McKay and Depute Head Girl – Hannah Ogilvie.
As in previous years, the process started in March when all S6 pupils interested in taking on one of these roles were asked to submit a written application form. Five boys (Ted Bowie, Kyle Colchester, Aidan Kennedy, Luke McKay and Sam Taylor) and five girls (Lois Geddes, Hollie Menzies, Milly Macklin, Hannah Ogilvie and Naomi Watson) threw their hats into the ring ready to face the selection process. However, things took a different turn as our school, along with all others in the UK, had to go into lockdown meaning that it was unfortunately impossible to move to the customary interview and election stage of the process.
One of the first priorities in August was to set the ball rolling again and appoint our new Head and Depute Head office bearers. However, due to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, the final stages of the selection process had to be completed very differently. All ten candidates were asked to submit a video of themselves telling the selection panel why they wanted the role, what skills and qualities they could bring to the role and how they could have a positive impact on our school.
Every one of the candidates put a lot of thought, time and effort into producing their videos and the panel had a very difficult job choosing from ten very innovative and creative presentations that really showcased well the young people’s individual skills and qualities. After much deliberation and discussion, the panel chose Ted, Lois, Luke and Hannah from the pool of very strong candidates.
Barry Graham, Head Teacher at Wallace Hall Academy, said: “I would like to thank all the applicants for participating in the Head Boy/Head Girl process in such a mature and creative way. Each and every one of them was a credit to their families, to our school and to our community and I look forward to working with them all during the next academic year.”