Wallace Hall’s World of Work Day
Every year, Wallace Hall organises a World of Work Day where we learn about employment opportunities. Pupils love the day as they get the chance to dress up to look like a worker in the job we want to be when we grow up. As you look round the classroom the bright, vibrant costumes pupils are wearing are a dramatic change from school uniform. The variety of jobs chosen ranged from nurses and vets to engineers and moto-cross bikers. Even the teachers dress up. It is great fun!
To give us more information on careers, we welcomed four fabulous guest presenters to our assembly. All four presenters were wearing casual clothes and we had to ask yes/no questions to try and find out what jobs they did. Later on that day, the guests visited the upper primary classrooms dressed in their uniforms to explain what their jobs were and what each job entailed.
Learning about employability is not only great fun – it is extremely useful for us to learn more about what specific careers involve and will help us for the future. A big thank you to our presenters, Sarah Fretwell (Nithsdale Vets), Nigel Wilson (NHS), Lynn Ross (Keir Garage) and Ross Mawdsley (TFW), for giving up their time to come in to talk to us.