Dancing the Night Away
Our Christmas dances are always eagerly anticipated social events for both pupils and staff. Pupils spend the weeks leading up to the dances practising the dances and learning the intricate steps of favourites such as The Flying Scotsman, The Eightsome Reel, The Dashing White Seargent and The Square Tango. Our band, led by former pupil David Kennedy, provided the music for all three nights and our PE staff who traditionally call the dances ensured the floor was packed full for every set.
In the lead up to the dances, class representatives and S6 Social Committee members help out with the organisation by designing posters, selling tickets, booking the band and ensuring the Bailey Hall is decorated ready for the festive season. As an added bonus, at the S5/S6 dance senior pupils enjoy a delicious meal prepared by Alison Kennedy and her team and served by S3/S4 pupil volunteers.
All dances were very well attended with pupils from every year group coming along and joining in the festive fun. John Blair, DHT in charge of the Social Committee, said: “All three dances were a great success: the atmosphere in the Bailey Hall was terrific every night with pupils from S1-S6 stepping straight onto the dance floor as each dance was announced. Thanks to David Kennedy and his band, Alison Kennedy and her catering team, the janitors, members of the S6 Social Committee, pupil dance representatives and all staff and pupils who helped make the dances such a fantastic experience for everyone.”