P4-7 Action Groups/Pupil Voice
Every second Thursday during the Winter Term the P4-P7 Action Groups/Pupil Voice groups meet. These are
Gardening Green Fingers
They hope to help make our school gardens grow! They will be digging and preparing the ground, planning what to plant and where, planting seeds, nurturing the plants and harvesting the produce.
Community Crew
Make a difference to our community by improving the community environment, supporting people in our community and raising money for local charities. They will be visiting people in the community, working to improve the environment and fundraising for local charities.
Playground Developers
This group hope to enhance our outdoor space by looking at the existing playground and thinking about what improvements could be made. They will be researching, designing, project planning and raising money.
Healthy School Squad
The aim is to improve the Primary children’s health and wellbeing. They will be planning whole school healthy initiatives, organising and running sports events, promoting healthy lifestyles and more.
Fundraising Team
They hope to raise money to help improve the Primary School. They will be organising and running fundraising events, sponsored events and writing funding applications.
Communication Champions
Tell the world all about our school by sharing photos and news. They will be taking photographs, writing news reports, posting on the school Facebook and Instagram accounts and submitting reports to the local newspaper.
Memory Makers
Are creating a scrapbook record of Wallace Hall Primary School. They will be taking photographs, conducting interviews, gathering information and designing and crafting specific pages.
STEM Ambassadors
Are aiming to make our school STEM-tastic! They will be helping to organise Science Week, working on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics initiatives, running STEM competitions and working on creating STEM friendly classrooms.
All of the pupils are relishing their new roles within school!