Employablity Fortnight
At Wallace Hall Primary we are busy with Employablity fortnight. On Friday we hosted a primary employability skills morning to allow pupils to understand more about key employability skills for different career areas. We had 4 special visitors in school for the morning who talked about their jobs and the key skills required; Ross Mawdsley from TFW - Rosfit, Lynn Ross from Keir Garage, Nigel Wilson from NHS (Nursing) and Sarah Fretwell from Nithsdale Vets spoke to all of our primary pupils about their jobs during assembly and then they visited the Primary 4 - 7 classes to give more in-depth presentations. The pupils showed their enthusiasm by asking lots of good questions. The presenters even brought their uniforms along and changed quickly during the morning, this gave the pupils a chance to try and guess their jobs. This added a fun aspect to the morning and made it all a bit more challenging!