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Primary 3 Walk in Robert Burns Footsteps

On Friday 17th January P3 went on a trip to Dumfries to learn more about Robert Burns. We had been learning a little bit about him in class. We travelled by minibus and car. Mrs. Hannah, Mrs. Henderson (teacher), Mrs. Henderson (parent), Ms. Harkness, Mrs. Clingan and Miss Blackadder came with us. We left school in the morning at 10 o’clock.

First we visited Robert Burns House. It was really interesting! Robert Burns had actually lived there! We saw what the kitchen would have looked like when he was alive. We saw a desk where he wrote his poems and songs. We even saw his writing on the window that he had scratched on with a ring. We saw his bedroom too and that’s where he died. We learned that his wife was called Jean Armour.

When we left Robert Burns House we saw a statue of Jean Armour. We walked to the Robert Burns Centre. We had to cross a big bridge and it wobbled when we crossed it! When we got there we watched a film about Robert Burns and then we went upstairs. We saw a little model of Dumfries in the olden days. There were headphones that you could put on and listen to some of his poems and songs. Millie really liked listening to ‘A Red, Red Rose’ because it made her feel very calm and Jessica found it happy and emotional to listen to. Faith liked listening to ‘To a Mouse’ the best.

After the Robert Burns Centre we walked up a really steep hill to Dumfries Museum. We had our lunch there and we looked at the exhibits. We saw really interesting things. Then we went upstairs for a workshop called Burns on the Beat. We learned some silly, fun songs like Aiken Drum and Three Craws and we learned lots of new Scots words.

Then it was time to go back to school. We got back before home time. We had a lovely day and had lots of fun. We are still learning even more about Robert Burns in school.

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