Wallace Hall Gets Ready to Rock
Wallace Hall’s school show team has been working hard on this year’s production, School of Rock. Members of the cast have dedicated lunch times, evenings and even weekends to rehearsals. S2-S6 pupils are taking on responsibilities for every aspect of the show, including set design, lighting, sound, hair and makeup, props and costume. This is a great opportunity for interdisciplinary learning, which allows students to develop skills in different areas outside of the classroom.
Live music will be performed by a school band composed of talented senior pupils. The team is grateful to former students Sam Solley and Declan McGarva for their help with music rehearsals.
Great progress has been made so far, and the cast and crew are really excited to showcase their talent and hard work in three evening performances on the 9th, 10th and 11th of October – tickets are now available from the school library at 01848 332120. Tickets cost £7 for adults, £5 for concessions and £20 for families. This is sure to be a popular show, so book your tickets now and get ready to rock!