Wallace Hall pupils embrace the ‘Masterchef’ Experience
S3 pupils have been taking part in a ‘Masterchef’ experience in Home Economics recently over the course of three, two period sessions. The pupils worked in groups to create a delicious two course menu which they prepared and presented to our judges, Mr and Mrs Bruce, Mr Lees, Mr McKenna, Mr Steele and Miss Graham.
Jack Steele, PE Teacher, PT Physical Education and one of the judges said: “The dishes created by the pupils were of a very high standard with presentation being a particular highlight. It was very hard to choose a winner but Charlotte Colley’s main dish of pasta was exceptional and took top spot for our session.” Charlotte said: “I really enjoyed taking part in the Masterchef competition. I have made my pasta dish before for Miss Barrick and she said that I should use it on my menu. My dessert was a sticky toffee pudding and that seemed to go down well with the judges too. I hope to get a part-time job in the restaurant trade where I will learn more about restaurant standard cooking.”
Miss Barrick, HE Teacher, said: Our S3 pupils have been working on the MasterChef industry unit for the past few weeks which aims to enhance and improve pupil’s culinary skills and techniques with particular emphasis on planning, service and presentation. The pupils have been developing their planning skills that would be required within the Hospitality industry such as food ordering, table planning, creating a menu and the final design and presentation of their chosen dish. This unit is assessed on the pupil’s service abilities and this takes into account the presentation and taste of the finished product. I am delighted that our judges were so impressed with the pupils’ culinary efforts. The final stage of the unit where the pupils prepared, cooked and presented the food was fast and furious but the pupils coped really well and presented some delicious dishes.”