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Our new S6 Office Bearers

Congratulations to Josie Blount and Finlay Bainbridge who have been appointed as our new Head Girl and Head Boy for academic session 2019/2020 and also to Olivia Macklin and Fergus McVicar who have been appointed as their Deputes.

The process began in March with all prospective candidates applying in writing to Mr Blair, stating why they thought they would be a suitable candidate for this important role. Five girls, Josie Blount, Poppy Hannah, Olivia Macklin, Anna Wilson and Ines Wood, and two boys, Finlay Bainbridge and Fergus McVicar, were selected to go through to the campaign stage where they delivered a presentation at three House Assemblies highlighting what contribution they have made to the school over the past five years and why pupils and staff should vote for them.

The voting took place in the Bailey Hall that lunchtime with the whole school turning out, eager to cast their vote for their preferred candidate. Following the votes being counted three girls (Ines, Josie and Olivia) and the two boys (Fergus and Finlay) successfully got through to the final stage where they faced an interview panel that included the Head Teacher as well as a representative from the teaching staff, the Pupil Council and the Parent Council. It was a very close run contest with all of the candidates giving confident and well-researched answers to the questions posed. That afternoon it was announced that Finlay and Josie had secured the roles of Head Boy and Head Girl with Fergus and Olivia being appointed as their Deputes. Ines was delighted to be invited to take on the role of Head Prefect.

Mr Blair, Acting Head Teacher, said: "I was very impressed by all of the candidates who put themselves forward for the posts. I am really looking forward to working with our new office bearers over the next year."

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