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Our eco-friendly entrepreneurs

Incrementum, this year’s Young Enterprise team from Wallace Hall Academy, decided to create a product that was eco-friendly and embraced recycling. After discussion as a team, they came up with the idea of making an adaptation on terrariums using small succulents planted in attractive re-cycled glass jars. Their end product fitted the brief of being eco-friendly as the plants have health benefits due to their ability to clear the air of harmful toxins.

Incrementum’s manufacturing process began with Gregor Black, Head of Production, growing miniature succulents and spider plants. He then planted these into small glass jars that he collected from family, friends, staff and members of the local community. The terrariums were labelled with the name of the plants, the team’s logo, directions for looking after the plant and some background information on the team’s ethos and then the marketing process began.

The terrariums sold very well and the final product was both attractive and eco-friendly. Aidan Connor, Head of Sales, said: “We were delighted with how popular our terrariums have been and we have had lots of positive comments from pupils, staff and members of the wider community.”

The remaining team members: Ben Studholme (Head of Human Resources), David Rennie (Head of Advertising) and Daniel Scmidt (Head of Finance) all played their part in Incrementum’s success. Gregor Black, Head of Production, commented: “I have really enjoyed growing and planting up the terrariums. The team is delighted with the success of our product and I think it is a business that could continue now the Young Enterprise competition is finished for this year. Working together has taught us valuable lessons on how to function as a team and the importance of communication and these skills will be beneficial to us in life beyond school.”

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