Lilly’s silver medal success
Lilly Downey, S2 at Wallace Hall Academy, is a keen member of the Army Cadet Force (ACF) and earlier this month she was presented with a silver medal at the ACF Battalion competition held at Headquarters in Ayrshire. Lilly won this individual award for First Aid where she evaluated and assessed a simulated first aid issue using the knowledge she has learned at her ACF training sessions. This was a timed exercise against approximately sixty other cadets from the Battalion. Four judges, one from each Company in the Battalion, judged Lilly’s response to be such a high standard that she warranted the silver medal.
Lilly has been a member of the ACF for almost nine months. She attends Dumfries Detachment twice a week from 7pm until 9pm where she learns skills such as First Aid, field-craft, orienteering, map-work and drill. Lilly said: “I love cadets. I feel it is somewhere I learn excellent skills for life, including discipline. I would really recommend other young people from ages 12 to 18 to get involved.”
Photo shows Lilly being congratulated on her medal by Miss Park, Administration and IT Teacher at Wallace Hall Academy.