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P1 pupils learn all about China

P1 pupils are busy with their new topic just now where they are learning all about China. One of their first lessons was to produce pieces of artwork and collages featuring some of the iconic views and tourist attractions that China is famous for. The pupils did their research by looking up maps, artefacts and information on the environment. They also listened to Chinese music as a stimulus for their artistic endeavours.

The next stage of the topic was to write imaginary pieces as if they had visited their chosen destination. The pupils worked on their languages skills, learning the British Sign Language signs for the various animals of the Chinese New Year as well as how to say ‘Hello’ and ‘Happy New Year’ in Mandarin.

There was huge excitement when it came to the time for the pupils to pay a visit to Wallace Hall Academy’s Home Economic s Department where, supported by S6 pupils, the P1 pupils made some delicious Chinese food.

The China topic is still on-going for the class and the P1 pupils are really looking forward to the next activities where they will be writing a book titled ‘We are going on a panda hunt’ and when they will get an opportunity to tell a Chinese story through dance.

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