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Christmas Market

We held our annual Christmas Market on Saturday 8th December 2018. The event, organised by our Parent Council incorporates students and staff from ELC- Academy. ELC pupils worked very hard making decorations to sell on the day and our ‘Whapples’ pupils have been busy harvesting apples from our community orchard to make apple chutney to sell on the 'Whapples' stall. There was a large variety of trade and craft stalls selling hand-made items such as jewellery, cards and bags as well as games and craft stations to keep the children busy. We will also had a very special visitor, taking time out of his busy schedule, to meet the children in Santa’s Grotto.

A huge thank you to all the local businesses who support us every year with raffle prizes. We as a school community really appreciate the relationship we have with the local community and look forward to working with them in the future.

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