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Ardeche 2018


On Friday 8th June a mix of fifty S4 and S5 pupils set off on a 28 hour journey to the South of France, thankfully with comedians such as Jack Denholm and Irvine Maxwell on board morale was kept at a high. On arriving in Ardeche everyone was exhausted so after our tour of the camp, we got to chill out for an hour at the pool before a hearty meal and a good night’s sleep to prepare us for the day ahead.

The next morning we were up bright and early for the Ardeche descent, a whopping 42km! We were quickly briefed on the basics of canoeing and before we knew it we were out on the water. In groups of eight, along with an instructor, we made our way down the river enjoying the beautiful scenery on route to our next camp.

That night we were meant to be sleeping “under the stars” but unfortunately it was forecasted to rain, and despite the best efforts of the Acorn staff, who provided us with a tarp for some shelter, everything still got drenched. Whilst we were down in the morning, moods quickly brightened up when we were back to the canoeing. As we had time to spare, many of us jumped off of rocks into the river, played games, and capsized each other’s boats. Pete Wilson doing an exceptional job sinking Dr Fulton and Mr Mack.

In Aosta the weather took a turn for the better however, due to a landslide blocking off the road, we were unable to do the gorge scrambling, instead we spent the day at a lake doing numerous activities such as paddle boarding, kayaking and raft building. Later that night we went out to a bowling alley and spent some time in the arcade.

In our last full day of the trip we went white water rafting in groups of eight. The water was still high after the rainfall of previous days so the rapids were extra fast which meant the rafting went by quicker but save to say was more exciting. We finished off the trip by visiting a pizzeria for some authentic Italian pizza.



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