Senior School Information
Careers - Allan Kinley
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is the national skills body and we deliver the career service.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, your Skills Development Scotland (SDS) careers adviser continues to offer career services to Wallace Hall Academy pupils. Like teachers, they have returned to school premises to deliver career support and guidance. All appointments and presentations will adhere to strict COVID-19 health and safety procedures following local and national guidelines and Wallace Hall Academy’s risk assessment policy.
Allan Kinley is Wallace Hall Academy’s SDS adviser and he will work with pupils at various points throughout their time at school through group work sessions, drop-in sessions and one-to-one appointments - especially at key times such as making subject choices and preparing for moving on from school. This year, sessions are being delivered through classroom presentations or via online learning. SDS support is designed to help pupils understand their options and build their career management skills.
If you or your child would like to make an appointment with Allan, please contact the school office for details or email
If your child has left school, our local SDS advisers are also available to speak to you or your child over the phone through your local career centre. Visit to find your local number, or call the SDS helpline on 0800 917 8000.
And don’t forget that career information and advice is available at any time through our careers website My World of Work.
My World of Work
My World of Work is a web service for people to plan, build and direct their career throughout their lives. Customers can see jobs in action; build their CVs; search for vacancies and explore training opportunities in a way thats personal to them. There are video clips of people explaining their job roles and an informative magazine with some great up-to-the-minute tips on how to get a job or train for one.
Delivered by Skills Development Scotland, it provides information on the jobs market as well as offering help with things like tackling tough interview questions.
My World of Work complements SDSs current face-to-face and telephone services, as well as those provided by partners, so customers have access to a range of channels depending on the level of support they need.
To explore My World of Work and the range of tools on offer, visit
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) Information
You could get financial support to stay on at school if you are from a low income household and meet certain criteria. This is called an Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA).
EMA is a means tested weekly allowance of £30, payable to students aged 16 to 19 for a maximum of 3 years. Students must achieve 100% attendance per week as agreed within their EMA Learning Agreement completed at school level.
It is payable in arrears, during term time only, generally on a 2-weekly basis.
For further information on eligibility and to apply for EMA please click the link below:
If successful in being awarded EMA you must ensure that you have completed a Wallace Hall Academy Learning Agreement and hand it in to Mrs Fraser or Mrs Menzies. This form must be signed by both the student and their parent/carer.